A Day at Santiago Trade School
5:30 Morning Rising
6:00 Lauds
Our day begins with prayer in common at the Queen of Peace Chapel. The recitation of the psalms is an age-old tradition of praise and adoration, which sets a foundation for all of the activities that will follow.
7:00 Breakfast
8:00 Work
The young tradesmen put on their boots & their belt for a morning of diligent work. Squads of five students might be assigned to work on the electrical & lighting at Frassati House, or to frame a wall in the new St. James Chapel. STS work periods are not for play, but for the swift execution of tasks that build out the housing and chapels at Santiago Retreat Center.
12:00 Mass
In the Holy Sacrifice of the Mass, trade students worship Christ at the high point of their day. This time of prayer provides rest after the demanding morning, and is a daily opportunity for union with God.
12:45 Lunch
Informal lunch followed by optional sports is shared by all young tradesmen.
2:00 Study
Truth be told, this is to be the toughest part of the day. Sitting down to online courses on the trades, or reading Archbishop Fulton Sheen and St. John Henry Newman is not easy. Students will be formed by household meetings twice per week where men are taught essential life skills and theological truths.
5:00 Evening Prayer
Students close the day in the common recitation of the rosary or reading of Sacred Scripture. We pray together morning, afternoon, and evening as a way of maintaining continuous communion with Our Lord.
6:00 Dinner
What would life be without food? Dinner is a time for refreshment and lively conversation. Our community finds the dinner table to be the main place to come together and enjoy being with friends. Cuisine will be cooked regularly by students themselves.
8:00 Personal Time
11:00 Lights Out
Men will need plenty of sleep in order to work hard each day on the jobsite.